Ikarus / Ikarus 556

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V. Ikarus, Csepel és Veterán Jármű Találkozó versenye - 5th Ikarus Bus Meeting in Polgár
BKV autóbusz diagnosztika (Ikarus 260, Ikarus 280, Ikarus 556 & 180)
Ikarus 556- the old school bus
Ikarus 556 - town coach High-end production of the Hungarian firm Ikarus , made from 1962 to 1973, at the instant nearly never exploited. The bus was consigned mostly in the socialist countries of to the east Europe. It was the groundwork of the articulated coach Ikarus 180. Traditionally the bus was decorated in red and white color. The largest provision was consigned to the coach.
Models for Buses designed by Ikarus
556 sequence output models started in the manufacturer Ikarus in 1965. The first exact replicate of the vessel was bought as a trial in 1969 , the At that time, the coach stood out dimensions and up to date body lines against the structure design Jelcz coaches Ikarus 620 and 272 Mex.
The New bus depot inventory was taken at ul. Kraszewski on 14 November 1969 and was given the number 501. In 1970 he purchased another 28 flats, which is assigned to the depot at. Limanowskiego, giving them another side numbers from 502 to 529. Here, on 27 January 1971 it started to exploit the traveler. Soon the vehicle 501 also moved to Limanowskiego. Due to the relatively larger dimensions the person driving called them "showcases" and the mechanical support of the "Manami" - the kind of engine. Their attribute feature was a door, each of which has distinct breadth and distinct figures of door leaves.
On 31 December 1971, the 513 cars and 520 deleted from the inventory, giving them Tomaszowa Mazowiecki. In 1974, as part of the revolving stock was put on halt, Ikarus 556 started to step-by-step move the depot Helenowek. The longest-friendly car depot Limanowskiego was 507 - to 16 September 1976. These buses even newer conceive and better performance did not differ significantly from the mean service life of their predecessors. Faced with a lack of foremost repair and overhaul of an end to their life was in the late 70s Twentieth century
On 30 June 1979 556 Ikarusy eventually deleted from the inventory cost center. Cars # 504, 512, 515, 518, 525, were at that time at all the last representatives of Ikarus in. After the withdrawal of car No 515 hit the depot Brus as a display to the future of the future repository of Communications. Unfortunately, along with two other motor coaches that were conveyed there as well for an alike purpose, in the early 80s cut it for cancel. We furthermore understand of another exact replicate, which assisted as the back half of the dummy in one of the kindergartens. To this day, has not endured the Lodz no exact replicate of 556.
Operation of the 556 model
There buses were totally frameless. They had three doors, each with a distinct measure and distinct allowances of wings. Open and close automatically. Nominally, the motor coaches were conceived to carry 75 travellers, encompassing 21 sites were seated. Due to its dimensions, when they were in the boat called the "showcases - the type of engine. The last place they had halted is the Helenowek Station.