Liaz / Liaz 122

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Hasiči JPO II Jablůnka Liaz 101 - Požár nízké budovy Vsetín - Červenka
Soběšice 2012 - LIAZ
Omsi-Karosa C734 Nové zvuky pro motor Liaz-Final verze
Book Your Liaz 122 for the Heavy Load Carrying
When you will have the demand of a goods carriage for personal use, you have to choose the Liaz 122. This is an unparalleled car for your all kinds of good. If you have the knowledge of finding a vehicle that is needed to carry the loads of factory products, the oars and raw material for a factory, you have to choose the best carriage. Then you have the only option to get the said carriage van. According to performance, you have lots of same vehicle for comparison, but the opted car is really beneficial for and great in all respect. The stamina in the engine can carry the huge weight. For getting extra power of carrying of goods for any purpose, the tire is made specially. The vehicle is of six wheels. Thus is made the car for getting extra load carrying capacity. When you have great function in the goods carriage, it is better to buy a heavy power car.
The Body Structure of the Car
The carriage vehicle is made of high tempered steel which can carry heavy loads. The car is made only for carrying various kinds of products, loads of corns and harvests, loads of food staffs and other products for carrying it from one place to another. This is the reason; the body structure is made with high power carrying capacity. The front side of the car is really attractive but facing like a huge animal is approaching you. You will get four to five colors of its front head. The later part of the vehicle is made of iron chassis with black color. The side walls of the carriage can also be lots of color. According to product carrying, and their category the carriage car can be colored. The over and side cover also is not sometimes necessary if the carrying product is secured in open sunlight. The size and the models of over cover are also made stylish to make the entire car attractive.
The Driving Facility with Its Fuel Efficiency
The truck named Liaz 122 is really a beneficial car for its four stroke engine with low cost fuel performance. The vehicle is so an interesting carriage that you can carry heavy loaded car with no effort. The engine of the car is so powerful that never the driver will feel that the car is running with its last stamina not the least. As the engine runs with diesel, you have the opportunity to save your fuel cost. The vehicle has left and right handed steering operation system according to its exported country.
The Best Ever Goods Carriage with Extra Efficiency
The Liaz 122 is a great carriage in all the similar production of the same company and other companies. When the other car has the carrying capacity of 13 to 15 ton, you will get almost double carrying capacity of the car. For business or hiring purpose, this vehicle is really inscrutable. The mills and factories which need lots of carrying capacity vehicles, they should think of purchasing the said model of Liaz.