Volvo / Volvo Amazon

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Ferrari 458 vs Volvo Amazon '67 "Vöcks" exteriour race and in detail
Real Drivers: Volvo 122 Amazon
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Volvo amazon- A real example of class
The Volvo amazon is a mid-size automobile that was manufactured by Volvo vehicles from 1956 to 1970 and introduced in the USA as the 122S at the New York International Auto display in April 1959. The Amazon distributed the wheelbase of its predecessor as well as its tall posture and high H-point seating — while offering three model configurations: four-door sedan, two-door sedan, and a five-door wagon. In 1959 Volvo supplied front chair belts as benchmark gear on all the cars, including the trade goods forms, evolving the world's first constructor to take this step;[4] later evolving the first vehicle featuring three-point seat bands. The Amazon was initially manufactured at Volvo's Lundby vegetation in Gothenburg and subsequently at the company's Torslandaverken plant, which began functioning in 1964. By the end of output, 234,653 four-door forms, 359,917 two-door forms and 73,220 station wagons had been made, of which 60% were exported; for a total of 667,791 vehicles. The Amazon sedan's ponton genre, three-box fashioning was motivated by US vehicles of the early 1950s, powerfully resembling the Chrysler New Yorker sedan and the Chrysler 300C hardtop Coupe. The famous designer Jan Wilsgaard said that the styling of the Amazon was inspired by a Kaiser automobile which he glimpsed at the Gothenburg harbour.
Some features of the car
The Amazon featured powerful articulation front to back, spoke "shoulders", and minor but evident tailfins. These characteristics became inspiration for Peter Horbury when reconceiving Volvo's conceive main heading with the V70 after decades of rectilinear, slab-sided, boxy concepts. The Amazon estate featured a two-piece tailgate, with the smaller section bending down to supply a burden surface and the top part that hinged overhead. The vehicle's rear permit plate, attached to the smaller tailgate, could fold "up" such that when the tailgate was let down and the vehicle in use, the permit plate was still visible. The Amazon's bodywork was constructed of phosphate-treated iron alloy (to advance paint adhesion) and with hefty use of undercoating and anti-corrosive oil remedy.
The important specifications of the car
Original specifications for the Volvo amazon encompassed the new Volvo B16 engine, a 3-speed manual gearbox (H6) and rear-wheel drive. In 1958 the sport form, Amazon Sport, was issued and subsequent the same year the Amazon became the first sequence made car with a three-point safety belt in the front chairs as benchmark. In 1962, Volvo presented a two-door type, a five-door wagon, and the new B18 motor, deleting two-tone paint and upholstery. The new gearbox assortments were the three-speed M30 (briefly suggested with a self-acting electric clutch). The M31 gearbox was furthermore introduced in 1961 but was only accessible that year (a three-speed fully synchronized gearbox with overdrive on both second and third direct gears). Gearbox choices on the 121 were the M30, M31 and M40 while gearbox choices on the 122S were the M40 and M41 gearboxes. From 1967 to 1968 the BW35 was furthermore accessible on the five-door wagon. The car has it own class and style and it fascinates many people.